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About Holistic Food and Yoga

      I have always been extremely passionate about health and healing. That passion has been my guide for over 25 years and has led me to the path of Holistic Food and Yoga.

      As a 500 HR Yoga Alliance certified yoga teacher and an Integrative Nutrition Certified Health Coach, I combine my knowledge and experience with my college education in exercise sciences to educate people on how to take their health into their own hands.

      My work provides a unique blend of yoga, nutrition, and guidance to help empower people so they can take control of their own minds and bodies.

      Wellness is unique, it is not a one size fits all matter. Together with my clients I work on solving their individual needs to create a healthy life that’s full of energy and positivity.

My Story

Originally from The Middle East, I have lived in the United States for over 19 years. I am a wife and a mother of two: we are an active family who love adventures, traveling, and the outdoors. As I went through my college studies of exercise sciences and worked in the fitness field, I remained focused on the effects of food and fitness on the body and the mind.

That knowledge was later useful when my son got diagnosed with Tourette's syndrome at the age of four. Medicating him with antidepressants for years was not an option for me, so I went back to the path I knew best. I started researching the effects of food and exercise on the immune system and the ways in which the immune system affects the nervous system. I found that food sensitivities, intestinal problems, exposure to toxins, and leaky gut can lead to trouble in the nervous system. I learned that in order to solve my son’s issues and give him a high quality life, I had to deal with the root cause of his health problems and not just the symptoms. The deeper I got into my investigation, the more confusing it was for me to choose between the many contradicting health studies. That’s when I enrolled in the Institute of Integrative Nutrition, studying individuality and a holistic approach for examining the body.


      Between my fitness training, exercise sciences studies, and my health coaching certification, I felt confident in my knowledge about nutrition and fitness, but still wanted to dig deeper into energy, breathwork, and meditation. That’s when I started my yoga training, expanding my studies from the physical to the energetic level and towards mental awareness. Through yoga postures, breathing techniques, and meditation, I ultimately learned how to improve the quality of living: for myself, my son, and now my clients.

      I have created a healthy, holistic lifestyle in my home and have experienced first hand what it’s like to face the challenges of raising a health-conscious family in a society that depends on processed and fast food. I know what it’s like to struggle with finding time to plan and prepare healthy, nutritious meals when speed and overload are prioritized over self care. I found that balance was the key that kept my family on track to a successful healthy lifestyle.


My Training

      At The Institute for Integrative Nutrition, I studied over 100 diverse dietary theories spanning from ancient eastern traditions to modern western medicine, with renowned health and wellness experts, such as Dr. Andrew Weil, Dr. Mehmet Oz, Dr. Susan Blum, Dr. Deepak Chopra, and many other world-class educators.

      Through my 500 HR Yoga Teacher Training at The Lotus Pond Center I studied the yoga principles, the physical and energetic body, and the tools to help people develop awareness and consciousness. I was taught by exceptional teachers from all around the nation, including master teacher Karin Stephan (student of B.K.S. Iyengar), Larissa Carlson (former dean of Ayurveda at the Kripalu Center), Dr. Anne Curtis, and many other leaders in the field.

      Most people have an idea of what they should be doing to improve their health, but they don’t actually follow through. Maybe they’re confused with all the conflicting information on diets, or the contradicting scientific studies.         Working with a health coach is essential for managing your health and nutrition needs, discovering what works best for you, and sticking to a plan to create lasting benefits.

      Contact me and we will work together to meet your personal needs and reach your goals.

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